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NEP is a high-level library for building robot software architectures
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Lightweight and easy-to-install using pip, nuget and npm


Runs in Windows (7 and above), OSX 10.x and Linux


Based in ROS, ROS 2.0, ZeroMQ and nanomsg

Install NEP for the next programming languages:
Python MATLAB C# Unity Javascript
NEP libraries:
Select type of architecture

Set sockets parameters manually


In this option:

  • You can create simple and robust software architectures
  • Do not require NEP Discovery
Endpoints (IP and ports) must be assigned manually

Sockets are defined by topics


In this options:

  • You can create complex and scalable software architectures
  • NEP Discovery must be installed and always executed
NEP Discovery Server assign endpoints automatically
Install NEP App
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Installation Python
The basic installation of NEP in Python 2 and 3 can be performed using the next command:
 pip install -U nep
Installation MATLAB: Download lastest release version of NEP-matlab Download NEP-matlab.zip
Unzip this file which contains jeromq-0.5.2.jar, gson-2.8.4.jar and nep.jar java binaries.
Copy and paste java binaries We need to save the java binaries in a location where matlab can always find them. In windows we recommend to create a new folder in C:\nep-matlab
Copy and paste the java binaries inside NEP-matlab.zip to C:\nep-matlab
Search/create javaclasspath.txt Run the command prefdir in MATLAB. Navigate to the folder shown in the MATLAB console and check if the file javaclasspath.txt exist. If the javaclasspath.txt file is not in the folder, then create it as a new text file
Edit javaclasspath.txt Open the file javaclasspath.txt with a text editor. We needed to write the full path of the jar files jeromq-0.5.2.jar, gson-2.8.4.jar and nep.jar
If files are in C:\nep-matlab we need to add the next lines:
Save and close javaclasspath.txt file
Restart MATLAB
Installation Unity: Download lastest release version of NEP Unity Download Unity.zip
Unzip this file which contains AsyncIO.dll, Nep.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll and NetMQ.dll C# binaries.
Copy and paste C# binaries in Assets folder Copy and save these C# binaries in the folder Assets of your Unity project